The modern day struggles of students

These days ,students face a lot of problems which affects their academic performance,mental growth and overall well being .These problems include financial crises, cyber bullying,overusage of social media ,academic pressure and stress ,selection of irrelevant career and many more .Students are required to perform exceptionally well in academic activities .If they fail to do so ,parents and our society exert pressure on them and mentally torture them. This pressure leads to anxiety , depression and affects their mental health and academic performance.Many students face financial problems .They have to do part time jobs to continue their studies and financially support them .This also causes anxiety , depression and uncertainty about their future.Socail media has become an integral part of students but excessive use leads to addiction ,decrease productivity and face to face interaction skills. Cyber bullying has become a significant concern with many students experiencing online harassment and bullying .
Students often prioritize academic responsibilities over physical health leading to inadequate sleep,poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle.

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