What is Sneeza Shop

Sneeza Shop is the most popular project of Sneeza platform. It gives vendors from across the world to showcase their products and services online. Millions of customers and clients from across the globe can buy these products and services online. In simple words, SneezaShop is an online marketplace where vendors, marketers, services providers, shoppers, customers and clients interact with one another through cyberworld. You can open your online shop, brand-outlet and service point without any charges. Customers and clients can purchase your products and services as per their interest. In this way, you can earn online.

If you want to open your shop, you need to fill Vendor Registration Form

As you submit vendor registration form, Sneeza team approves your registration manually.

After approval, you can access your Sneeza Shop Dashboard. By using this dashboard you can control and monitor every thing regarding your online store. It’s very simple.